Finding a Note From My Uncle Who Died Last Year.
I just finished up my morning routine and i wanted to share something cool with you guys. One of the events I did was called Sole Purpose, it's all about finding more about who your are and what your purpose is. One of the tasks was to ask a bunch of people, people I pay, people who pay me, family, friends, anyone I know basically, for notes. I was going through them and I found one from my Uncle Carl who died last Christmas season. I felt so blessed that I still have this note from him because I asked. How many people in our lives do we not tell what we think of them, what we see inside of them, what strengths we see inside of them, or what we think they can achieve that we can all see from the outside. Because sometimes daily life just gets kind of cloudy, you can easily lose sight of your passion and that fire that is burning inside of you. People around you aren't dealing with that stuff so they can more easily see your passion. Be real with people, be raw, and open yourself up. Don't forget to tell people what you truly think of them in a good way. I just finished that gratitude stack but I wanted to share that with you guys today!
hey guys Captain Matt here just finished up my morning routine and just wanted to share a cool thing so uh one of the events I did was was called a sole purpose and it's all about finding more about you know who you are what what that what that purpose is that that you were born with you know to to achieve and one of the tasks was that you know I asked a bunch of people that um that I paid that paid me Family Friends all you know basically um getting notes from people from all different areas of your life and it was cool because I was going through it and I found one for my uncle Carl and my uncle Carl died last Christmas season and I just thought how cool how lucky am I or how blessed am I that I'm able to still read this note from him because I asked how many people in our lives do we not tell um like what we think of them and what we see see inside of them and and you know what what we think they could achieve and what strengths that they have that we can all see from the outside because sometimes in your daily life between work and family business kids it gets kind of Cloudy right like you can easily lose sight of what that that that passion is that that burning fire inside of you is that for others on the outside that aren't dealing with all those things that you are can more easily see you know that fire inside of you so um you know be real with people be raw and and be you know open yourself up and don't forget to tell people what you truly think of them in in a good way we always hear about that and it's all this negative rather than actually encouraging people that you truly see something in um that you have no idea what they're going through and that little note from you just might make their day might might make their week their month their year so anyways um I'm a little bit rambling because I just finished my morning and I just finished that gratitude stack about that but um felt like I should share with you guys uh maybe this hits one of you um where you need it right now and and it leads you to to go do something cool so anyways guys hope you have a great Friday I'll talk to you later
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