The clients face when they see their lights for the first time.
Talking with Mike Long
Hey guys, Captain Matt here with Mike Long out doing service in Milwaukee and Chicago “Hello! Chicago and Milwaukee yeah, both of those areas. Absolutely”. We're at Lighting Mastermind together, he's awesome, he's been doing this for years and years. So if you're in that area and you're looking for an amazing landscape lighting designer give Mike Long a call, Mike what do you love about lighting? What makes you keep going? “I just love the satisfaction we create with lighting. We take people's yards that are dull and dark and we make it an area that they can use and enjoy at night time, and that's what I love doing and seeing. Seeing the clients face when they see the lights for the first time is how I keep going.” Heck yeah, okay another guy so super passionate about lighting. Real original name Mike's Landscape Lighting, so it'd be a really easy one to remember give Mike Long a call. Mike I appreciate you taking the time man, “Thanks Captain Matt!”.
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