Captain Matt talks about over the ground installs for the winter.
Spring Landscape Lighting Almost Filled
Captain Matt here, as spring is almost filled up on the schedule for landscape lighting i just want to uh answer questions people ask me. "Is there anything we can do now?" the answer is yes we can do what we call an "over the ground install", and what that is is we place the lights where they are going to go on the permanent installation, but because the ground is frozen and the snow is out there we can't bury the wires yet, however we can hook up the system and let it light up. Now, for the structure of the home and front landscaping, that's really easy because typically is going to be mulched or stone, so he's not going to have any lawn mowing in that area when it comes to like further out in the yard, trees in the back or the front that can be set up so that as soon as it thaws we can get them plugged in and get them working quicker. However we wouldn't want wires running across the front yard because at this point we would have to beat your landscaper to his first mow at every single house otherwise they're going to run over the wire. There are some things we can work out there if you know your landscaper well and we can talk to them, and really identify where the wire is going to be so that they don't mow over them, or even have them bury them. Anyways right now I know it's getting brighter earlier and staying brighter later but having that backyard landscape in front or side yard landscape when you look out at night and it's not just a pit of darkness out there, it really changes things. Trust me I've lived it both ways and I much more enjoy looking out to see something, to see some landscaping, to see just light when i look out the window no matter what time of day it is. Captain Matt over the ground installs for the winter time, talk to you soon.
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